Meaning of Design

Ever wondered what fashion designers or product designers do to safeguard their design? The answer is simple they get their Design protected under the Design Act 2000. Now, not everything can be registered under the Design Act, according to Design Act, a Design refers to any article in two or three-dimensional forms (or both) which comprises the features of shapes, patterns, ornamentation, or composition of colors and lines such as cutlery, dress, rocking chair, bottle, apple Ipodetc. The important purpose of design Registration is to see that the creator, the originator of a design having an aesthetic that is not dispossessed of his bonafide reward by others applying it to their goods.

Design registration does not apply to any items that are covered under the Trademark or Copyright Act. For e.g. stamps, labels, tokens or cards can’t be registered under the Design Act as the ornamentation is removed and it ceases to be referred to as an article. Articles must have their existence independent of the Design applied to them.


















Thinks that cannot be registered as a Design

  • Flags and emblems or signs of any country cannot be registered
  • Item whose design is or contains any industrial plans, layouts, and installations
  • Design including buildings and structures
  • Mere alterations or change in the size and orientation or mechanical contrivance of a design
  • Labels, cartoons, cards, or tokens that can be made as part of an article
  • Books, jackets, calendars, certificates, forms, maps, greeting cards, pamphlets, stamps, medals, etc.






Licensing/Selling: As legal property for a consideration or royalty he can license or sell his design.



Monopoly: As no one can copy the design then with the target audience one can profit with a proper market strategy.




Longevity: Receive registered design benefits up to 10 years and further renewal of 5 years.





Entitled for protection: Can apply for infringement if one’s rights has been infringed and can be used as a proof that hold the rights for the set design with the royalty.



  • A design should be new or original
  • Design not been published to the public in any form
  • Significantly distinctive from the known or combination of design.
  • Design should not be a mere mechanical contrivance
  • Be applied to an article and should appeal to the eye
  • Not be opposing to morality or public order
  • Not comprise or contain scandalous or obscene matter



  • Full name/ address and nationality
  • Power of attorney if required
  • Priority documents (if any) in case of convention application claimed under Section 44 of the Designs Act, 2000
  • Photos required of article from various angles, 5 copies of each pose





Finding out whether any registration already exist


Preparing a representation of the design


Identifying the class of design

Providing a statement of novelty

Including a disclaimer

Claiming a priority date (optional)

Determining the fee to be paid

Ensuring all enclosures are attached

Complying with objections (if any)

Providing full details