Trademark opposition

What is Opposition?


If a mark is opposed within 4 months from the date of the advertisement then it is taken down from the Journal.


A trademark will be published in the Trademarks Journal only after the examiner reviews one’s trademark and qualifies the same for registration. The main object to publish trademarks in trademark journal is to allow any person to view and file any trademark opposition against it. Simply put, a person filing an opposition against the registration of one’s trademark is trademark opposition.



Documents required





Step 1- Notice to be filed (4 months)


Step 2- Counterstatement (2 months)


Step 3- Evidence by opponent (2 months)


Step 4- Evidence by the Applicant (2 months)


Step 5- Evidence in reply by the Opponent (1 month)


Step 6- Hearing






Grounds on which trademark can be opposed